Welcome from Rev. Dr. Michael McMorrow
I’m so grateful you are taking the time to visit Center for Spiritual Living Granada Hills.
The experience of Religious Science is much more than a church experience; it is a way of life – one that our founder, Dr. Ernest Holmes, intended to be used by all religions, creeds, ethnic backgrounds and walks of life. As we say every Sunday, “We honor all who are on their spiritual pathway who practice their beliefs in faith and love.” We offer opportunities for personal growth and insight, so that each person who shares our adventure is equipped to handle life’s challenges from a place of strength and confidence.
In addition to our Wednesday and Sunday services, we also offer on-going classes and workshops supporting the Truth that we are whole, perfect, and complete just as we are. There is nothing we need to heal; there is only some greater Truth to be revealed.
I welcome your connection to our “Center with a Heart” on Sunday or Wednesday, or with a phone call. My ears and heart are always open.