A World That Works for Everyone
We see a world that works for everyone.
Where all life is honored as expressions of the Divine
Where people live according to spiritual truth
Where humanity awakens to spiritual magnificence
Where humanity rediscovers personal creative power
Where we live as one global family
Where kinship with all life prospers
Where unity and connection are emphasized
Where forgiveness is the norm
Where spiritual guidance is valued
Where we are called to conscious social action
Where people have enough food, homes and a sense of belonging
Where there is peace, harmony and justice for all
Where resources are valued, cared for, and shared
Where communities are meaningfully involved in service to the world
Where there is a renewed emphasis on beauty, nature, creativity, art, and aesthetics
We envision a world that works for everyone and for all of creation.
Guidance from Within
If meditation resembled any activity, it would be the activity of listening. If it required any action, it would be the action of surrender, for meditation is the practice of allowing emptiness to permeate the mind. Meditation can also be described as the state of awareness and experience of freedom that rises up in the absence of thoughts, feelings, or expectations.
There are as many ways to meditate as there are people on the planet. Part of your spiritual development is to find the method that works for you.
Spiritual Study
Awakening to Meaning
Spiritual Study is the intentional exploration of the thoughts, beliefs, and ideas of others in order to clarify our understanding, expand our awareness, and deepen the personal meaning of the Divine.
Selfless Service
Oneness in Action
Seva means “selfless service” in the ancient Indian language of Sanskrit. On a personal level, Seva can be thought of as those acts of service we do for other people with no personal gain in mind. Typically, this would refer to acts of volunteering for charitable causes. However, the spiritual practice of Seva refers to the state of mind with which we perform an action in the world, a state of mind founded in dedicating and surrendering our actions to the Divine One.
Ultimately, then, Seva is the attitude of selflessness with which we engage in any activity, including those that form our daily work routine.
Affirmative Prayer
(Spiritual Mind Treatment)
Communion with the Divine
Affirmative prayer is a specific type of prayer that departs from the idea of asking God to do anything on anyone’s behalf.
Instead, affirmative prayer is a mental exercise one actively engages in to realign one’s thought with the true, good nature of Divine Reality. In this way, affirmative prayer is a practice of thoughtfully aligning with Reality by affirming it.
Participating in the Natural Spiritual Order of Never-Ending Flow
It is the nature of the Divine One to simultaneously give and receive. By emulating this quality of inward and outward flow, we reveal our own true spiritual nature. Both our physical and emotional health thrive when we balance the acts of taking in and giving out.
To understand why, just imagine inhaling without exhaling, or exhaling without inhaling. Or think of the Dead Sea in the Holy Land, filled with undrinkable water–heavy with minerals–because there is only water coming in and none going out.
These physical examples reflect the necessity for flow and harmonious exchange on both the physical and spiritual levels. Your spiritual nature requires that you become both an inlet and an outlet for Divine Good.