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Divine Love

February is one of my favorite months. Even though it is the shortest month of the year, it is jam-packed with events, with Birthdays (including mine), Anniversaries (including mine) Valentine’s Day and Groundhog Day. It is Black History month, as well as American Heart Month. But the greatest event of all is the celebration of Divine Sacred Love!

“Though February is short, it is filled with lots of love and sweet surprises.”

~Charmaine J Forde

As this special month begins, I turn within to acknowledge the Creator of Love, the Creator that IS Love, in the invisible and the visible in all forms, shapes and sizes.

I open my heart wide to allow God’s Pure Love to express my means of me.

I speak my word for the Essence and Purity of Love. I am surrounded and enfolded with Divine Love, as I witness Love exploding all around me, in and through me, as me. I am open and receptive to the many forms of Love that God has blessed me with, and I accept all this with great joy. February is the perfect time to renew my commitment to delve into the deeper realm of Divine Love, becoming ONE with Love, embracing it, owning it, sharing it. I declare that Divine Love is the Great Healer, the Great Comforter, the Great Unifier. Love unites me, lifts me up and sets me free. As I know this Truth for myself, I know this Truth for every Truth Seeker that is willing to BE ALL the Love they can Be in full Divine expression. Love unites us, lifts us up and sets us free.

With a grateful heart I express gratitude for this Truth.

I release these sacred words through the Loving Law of Mind, knowing it is already done.

And so it is, Amen.

Judy Duncklee, RScP


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