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God is my Strength

"This is the day that the Lord has made. Let us rejoice and be glad in it" - Psalm 118:24

God: The Uncreated, the Absolute, the One and Only. SOM Glossary (596)

Today, I celebrate that there is only one Life; It is perfect, whole, and complete; It is the presence of peace, joy, love, and strength; It is the Source from which everything originates: all-knowing, all-powerful, and always present everywhere. This Life is the One and Only; It is God’s life and it is also my life.

Today, I celebrate that I am one with the One and Only. And I am all that God is. Therefore, I am peace, joy, love, and strength. Deep within my heart, I know that God is my Source and my Strength. God is my protector and my provider.

Today, I accept that the presence of God guides every step that I take. I trust that wherever I go and whatever I do God protects me and guards me. I affirm that I am always safe in God’s loving care. I embrace the truth that every area of my life is in divine order. The loving presence of God directs my thoughts, feelings, and actions throughout my day. I am an instrument of peace in my interaction with others.

With great joy and an open heart, I celebrate this day. I am grateful for every moment and every opportunity to experience the presence of peace, love, joy, and strength.

I am grateful for this truth. I am grateful for my life. I am grateful for my blessings. I let it be and so it is! Amen!

Ninoska Duenas, RScP


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