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I Am Divine Peace

"The day I understood everything, was the day I stopped trying to figure everything out. The day I knew peace was the day I let everything go." ~ C. Joybell C.

Let There Be Peace On Earth and Let It Begin With ME

Blessed Spirit

I turn to Thee in Prayer inviting the Great I AM to reveal It’s Perfect Expression of Divine Peace. I acknowledge the great I AM as Divine Peace. I call out it’s Sacred Name, the I AM of Divine Peace.

I open myself up to reveal the Principle of Peace within my soul. I prepare my self to be a Vessel for the Light of Divine Perfect Peace for the entire World!

Therefore, here and now I declare for myself Divine, Perfect, Harmonious, Compassionate, Abiding, Safe, Healing Peace in and through my entire sacred/human holy Being. I humbly accept this Divine Peace as my very Existence, my very Nature. As I embody this Principle of Peace, I hold it dear to my heart, embrace it, bless it and send it forth out into the world.

I declare Divine Perfect, Harmonious, Compassionate, Abiding, Safe Healing Peace for all Mankind, reaching the closet part of the Globe and the farthest part of the Globe to share the Light of Divine Perfect Peace. I call forth all my faith and force to transport this Divine Perfect Peace to those parts of the world that are being bombarded with shootings, war, destruction, and death, causing so much human suffering. I bless the dying with Eternal Peace. I bless the living with courage, comfort, hope and strength as they navigate through these experiences, letting them all know that they are not alone. This too will pass! They are supported, honored, and loved. Peace is their Birthright, Peace is their Safety, and Peace is their Healing. I am beside them in Spirit, I am beside them in Love.

With a humble and grateful heart I release this Prayer of Divine Peace through Unconditional and Compassionate Love.

Let There Be Peace On Earth and Let It Begin With ME!

And So It is, Amen

Judy Duncklee, RScP


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