“I am open and receptive to all the good and abundance in the Universe. Thank you, Life.” ~Louise Hay
God is Beauty, Nature, and Divine Love. I open my heart to embrace the Oneness of God in action as my life flows with Calm, Ease, and the bounty of Nature.

Today is a Perfect Day filled with Love and Joy. With each breath, I breathe in Ease and Harmony. My life is Perfect and my path is clear. I let go of struggles and concerns and know I have many friends and family that Love and support me. I ask and I receive all my good. I give thanks for all my blessings and live in the overflow.
I open my heart and mind to new creative ideas to be in service to others. I see the world around me filled with kindness and I listen with a compassionate heart. I know there is Peace and Love in my global community and I see it reflected back to me with acts of compassion and kindness.
And with a Grateful Heart, I give thanks for my friends, family, and those that I sometimes struggle with. I am truly blessed and knowing all is complete and done, I release my words to the Universe.
And So It Is
Wayne McDonald, RScP