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I Sing A Song Of Praise

Today, I deliberately turn from everything that depresses and sing a song of praise, of gratitude, and of joy. I am going forth to meet joy, singing the song of the triumph of Spirit over all apparent negation. ~ Ernest Holmes 365 SoM p.345

Realizing that Spirit is all there is, that Spirit is perfect, and that Spirit is right where I am.

Divine Spirit, give me the courage to be distinctive and to demonstrate my commitment as a disciple of the Divine in a way that will cause others to desire a relationship with the All-ness of life.

Remind me often that I am in the world but not of the world. Fortify me to command the world's respect through a lifestyle of holiness and consistency, as befitting a follower of your Beloved Son. And make me aware of those areas of my life that reflect the world's ways more than yours.

I am grateful to know this Truth about my being and I desire this truth for others. I am deeply thankful that I am one with the Kingdom of God.

In the name of him who experienced both reception and rejection. I release my Word into the activity of Universal Law knowing that as I have spoken it is now done. And so it is, Amen Beverly Scott, RScP


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17622 Chatsworth Street, Granada Hills, CA 91344  |  Tel: 818-363-8136

 ​Sunday Morning Services at 9:00 and 10:30

Website designed by Malayna Dawn

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