As I move through the beginning of the work week, I am conscious on a daily basis that I put God first in all things. The Source and Substance of my supply is also the Source and Substance of my health and vitality, my right relationships, and how I creatively express in the world. I awake with joy each day, knowing I contribute to my health and well-being with my right attitude, and I set an intention each day to make a difference in all ways. There is much to wonder about in today's chaotic world, and yet, I see the peace and serenity that is also there, and I focus on this. I release and let go of any concerns about my emotional and physical health because I know my spiritual health is intact, and I focus my attention there and my energy follows. The Universe is at the ready to provide the good I desire in my body and the body of my affairs. Everything, everything happens for good. I may not see it at the moment but I know that in retrospect, life falls into place beautifully and for my highest good. I lovingly release these words, knowing my word has power, and I know God is in the mix and all is well. And so, it is.
~Rev. Dr. Maureen Hoyt
Minister Emeritus