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New Year – New Intentions: Creating New Good

This blog post, New Year – New Intentions, is taken from a 5 minute talk or Creative Thought by Reverend Kathy Lyons, given at the Center for Spiritual Living Granada Hills during one of the services. Her creative thought is followed by her Affirmative Prayer Treatment for New Year’s Intentions

“We have been given the ability to initiate a new chain of causation. There is but One mind and we use It. The laws of nature are universal, but our use of them is individual and personal.”

Ernest Holmes, 365 Science of Mind, thought for January 1

Here it is a brand new year – 2016. Although I enjoy the holiday celebrations, I also like it when the year closes; I put away the holiday decorations and return to a normal routine.

The New Year is starting out fresh and is a promise of new beginnings and a time to set new intentions. December 21 is the darkest day of the year. In the new year, the days gradually become longer. In the winter when I’m driving to work, the sun is just starting to rise. I think, “It’s the dawn of a new day.” In January, it is the dawn of a new year – a time to release what no longer serves me, and set new intentions for 2016.

Letting Go of the Old

The first step in a new year is to release anything that no longer serves us. Catherine Ponder calls this the Vacuum Law of Prosperity. Nature abhors a vacuum, so once we release what we don’t need; something new will fill in the space.

The vacuum law presented itself to me over a year ago with my computer. My email box got so full that I could no longer receive new emails. I had to delete hundreds of messages – most of which were of no interest to me. Most were advertisements or spam mail. Once I cleaned out the message box, I was able to receive new messages. The same principle exists not only for material possession, but with outworn beliefs, feelings, or habits.

If we desire to make a change in our life, we must release the belief that it is not possible, or that we are not worthy. To make room for love in our life, it may be necessary let go of any anger or resentment we may be harboring. For better health, it would be releasing a habit such as snacking in front of the television.

Set an Intention for What You Desire

“Thou shall also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee and the light shall shine on thy ways.”

–Job 22:28

Now that you have released what you don’t want, it’s important to focus you what you do desire. You can begin by asking yourself, “What are your values?” A value is something is that is important to us and to our life. From values, we set our intentions. Deepak Chopra said “Intent is a single-minded purpose. It is not countermanded by any other conflicting desires or interests.”

Usually, goals come from the following areas of life – health, relationships, finances, and career. Determine your values in these areas, which will help decipher what you desire. For example, for me, a comfortable home is an important value. Thus, I set the intention to pay for double pane windows for my home this year.

Write down your desires, and not only envision them, but feel what it would be like when you accomplish your goals. Three years ago, when I was recovering from hip replacement surgery, I imagined what it would feel like to be walking comfortably. I’m sure that contributed to my speedy recovery. To quote Stephen Covey, “Begin with the end in mind.” For additional support in setting a new intention for a new goal, hire a licensed Center for Spiritual Practitioner for support. Practitioners are also available at the conclusion of our Sunday service for a free, “1-Minute Miracle.”

Moving Forward

What next? Of course, moving your feet! In prayer and meditation, be open to guidance for a plan of action. Have the courage to step out of your comfort zone, and do it! As Mary Morrissey says, “Vision without action is merely entertainment.”

Blessings for a Wonderful New Year!

Reverend Kathy Lyons

Treatment for New Year’s Intentions

Affirmative Prayer Treatment is a form of prayer used by Dr. Ernest Holmes, founder of Religious Science and author of The Science of Mind as well as many other metaphysical works. A treatment is focused on a positive outcome rather than a negative situation. If you want to manifest a certain condition (perfect health, wealth, or relationships for example), say the treatment out loud as the truth, knowing that it is so!

“I recognize that there is One Power, One Universal Intelligence, and I choose to call that God. God is love and companionship; health and vitality; financial wealth and abundance; creativity and right livelihood. I am One with this Intelligence; therefore I am health and vitality; financial wealth and abundance; creativity and right livelihood.

This is the dawning of a New Year, and I am open to new, exciting good in my life. I am free from outworn beliefs, ideas, things, or activities that no longer serve me. This year is a clean slate, a blank canvas, where I set new intentions on my highest values. Now, I am living in the present moment, creating my highest and best in all areas of my life – loving relationships and companions; optimum health and vitality; financial freedom, wisdom, and wealth; and creative fulfillment. Also, my decisions are not only in my highest good, but for the highest good of all. I support others and others support me.

My Divine Plan is now unfolding. As I set my intention, I am guided on taking the perfect plan of action, and I do it with ease. My confidence soars as I move forward with my purpose.

I give thanks that all my intentions that are demonstrating in my life right now. I am so happy and grateful to be experiencing perfect health, loving relationships, financial abundance, and creative expression right now. I release my word into the Law, knowing it is so. And so it is.”

Reverend Kathy Lyons


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