“ If we recognize At-One-Ment with Infinite Mind, we realize that we have at our command the power, the intelligence and all the strength of the Universe.” ~Augusta E. Rundel
I know that there is One Mind, that Mind is God, that Mind is my Mind. I know that God is all action, power and Presence. I live today in conscious contact with divine Presence.
In recognition of oneness, fresh new ideas effortlessly come to me. United with life, I now know fuller ways of living. Aligned now with the Spirit within, I am in flow with the all powerful, all knowing, energy of life! I am always divinely guided! A pervading sense of infinite peace now fills my heart and permeates my being. I am wholeness! I am the Light of life!
All negative thoughts or conditions drop and fall away. This power of One calls forth greater and greater harmony, love, prosperity and well-being into my life, the life of all. I expect and enjoy ever increasing good. I am always immersed in infinite love! I am free! I am blessed! I am grateful!!
In thankful acceptance of all that I declare, I release my word to the Law and let it be so. And so it is!!!
Suzanne Jensen, RScP