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Our Ministers

Our Ministers

The CSL Ministers at the Center for Spiritual Living Granada Hills are here to support and nurture your spiritual growth and transformation. They offer prayer support, Spiritual Mind Treatment and counseling, as well as presiding at Celebration of Life ceremonies, including weddings and memorial services.

Please feel free to contact us. We look forward to serving you.

Please note – all CSL ministers listed below are also listed on the Practitioner’s page of this website. If you need or want to enlist the support of a Practitioner or Minister at CSLGH, please visit our Practitioner page and read the bios available for most of our staff.

About Center for Spiritual Living Minister Training

All ministers at the Center for Spiritual Living Granada Hills go through a three to five year training program. They first become licensed practitioners through the Center for Spiritual Living Certified Practitioner Training program.  They can then go on to the CSL Ministerial Training if they choose. Upon completion, ministers are licensed and use the designation “Reverend.” There are various other titles given to ministers, including “Assistant” and “Staff Minister.”

Some ministers are ordained by the Center for Spiritual Living organization. Ordination is bestowed by CSL when a Licensed Minister fully demonstrates the consciousness of a lifetime dedication to ministry. Ordination is a very high honor, involving acknowledgement by the organization and the minister’s peers that they successfully demonstrate the qualities and skills required of ministry.


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17622 Chatsworth Street, Granada Hills, CA 91344  |  Tel: 818-363-8136

 ​Sunday Morning Services at 9:00 and 10:30

Website designed by Malayna Dawn

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