Being in the class strengthens prosperity consciousness – knowing it is God’s unlimited life that we live in every moment. We are naturally prosperous all the time.
I live in Acton and every workday I have a 90-mile roundtrip commute. When I moved up there I was worried, because I’m prone to speeding and that 25-mile stretch on the 14 freeway is free sailing. I do love the drive – I pray for folks on my prayer list. I affirm that my drive is safe, easy and without speeding tickets. I’ve been doing this drive for five years now.
A couple of Sundays ago while I was driving down for service at the Center, I was not mindful and I got a speeding ticket. What a wonderful opportunity to observe my habitual patterns float to the surface. I was angry because I had affirmed not getting a speeding ticket! “What’s up with that?!”
Here’s what’s up with that – it’s not about getting things (the Manifestation Goody Bag), but it is all about waking up to our Oneness with the infinite nature of God.
Yes, our Science of Mind teaching does include talk about manifestation and demonstration:
Creative Process sequence starts with pure Intelligence; movement of intelligence, which is intelligence becoming aware of something. The Law of Mind set in motion by consciousness, followed by the objective manifestation, or the demonstration.
–Ernest Holmes
Some people make the mistake of taking that description of how life works and turning it into getting more things in their life.
I got angry about the ticket because I expected to manifest a goody in the form of “I don’t deserve a ticket.” The truth is that I was clocked at 86 miles an hour, driving unconsciously! I had affirmed safety and God showed up as the CHP to bring me to mindfulness and safety.
Prosperity is not about manifesting goodies. When we really have the direct experience of knowing that we live God’s infinite life, then the Universe rushes in to give us exactly what we need. When I pray for things instead of affirming to know the truth, I limit myself.
God is unlimited, I am unlimited. God is, I am.
I invite all us to stop limiting ourselves to the Manifestation Goody Bag and go for living the truth. Let love wash through all of our habitual patterns to wake us up to our eternal prosperity.
Do you want more prosperity in your life? Join us for our next class! Email or call our Center at 818-363-8136 to reserve your spot in class.