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Rosalie Bate, RScP

Rosalie has been a spiritual seeker her whole life. She originally found Science of Mind through Rev. Michael Beckwith at Agape International Spiritual Center. Then it happened, to her surprise, that she found her home was 1 block away from the Center for Spiritual Living in Granada Hills. Rosalie began attending services in 2005 and was immediately drawn to attend numerous SOM classes and became a Practitioner in 2011.

She continues to enjoy the numerous classes available at the Center, reading books written by authors from around the world as well as SOM founder Ernest Holmes. It is with great joy that Rosalie participates in the CSLGH community of like-minded individuals who value their Spiritual Community in wonderful ways.

Every year Rosalie brings to our Center, during the winter solstice, a wonderful event called the Spiral of Lights where each one in our community lights their candle from the light that represents the eternal flame at the Center of the Universe. It’s an event not to be missed! 


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17622 Chatsworth Street, Granada Hills, CA 91344  |  Tel: 818-363-8136

 ​Sunday Morning Services at 9:00 and 10:30

Website designed by Malayna Dawn

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