“In the silence of the soul’s communion with the Great
Cause of All Being, into the stillness of the Absolute,
into the stillness of the din and the ceaseless roar of
life, we shall find a resting place and a place of real
spiritual power.” ~Ernest Holmes
Today I release and let go knowing that I am one with everything in the universe. In stillness I am aligned with Infinite Spirit.
I am so grateful for this space of surrendered being! In openness I am available to receive all of life’s abundant gifts. I know that I am right where I am supposed to be. In Divine Presence I am guided from within. I listen and all is made clear. In calm centered Presence I know exactly what to do.
I now know and declare that all in my life is well and
very well. I am free to move forward each day in full
appreciation of my blessings. I am thankful for my perfect
health, clarity of mind, friends and loved ones, financial
prosperity and abundant good fortune. I now have an
expectancy of good in my life and the life of all. All
is well!
I release all that I have declared in grateful acceptance,
knowing that it is already so.
And so it is!
Suzanne Jensen, RScP