Peace – A state of inner calm. An inner calm so complete that nothing can disturb it. –
Ernest Holmes, The Science of Mind, Page 617
There is One Power, One Presence, which is God. God is love, peace, serenity, and trust.
I am One with God; therefore, I am love, peace, serenity, and trust.

. I breathe the Life and Breath of God, so I know that the Activity of God is present in every aspect of my life and the entire planet. Everything is unfolding in my life with grace and ease. I am Divinely guided and directed, so I trust my that all of my decisions are for my greatest good, and for the highest good of others. Everything is working out for me, as well as for everyone. My inner life is loving, peaceful, and harmonious, so I demonstrate likewise in my world.
I give thanks that Divine love is ever-present in my life, and that all is well. How grateful
I am for the peace, serenity, and trust that is demonstrating through me, right now.
I relax, let go, and release my word to the Law of Mind, knowing that is so. And so it is.
Rev. Kathy Lyons