"Let us take our bloated nothingness out of the path of the divine circuits. Let us unlearn our wisdom of the world. Let us lie low in the Lord's power and learn that truth alone makes us rich and great."
— Ralph Waldo Emerson
God is truth. Truth exists infinitely at the center of my being. I am one
with Truth. I am one with the Source of all. I know the inner calm of
Spirit is available to me now.
I am one with the creativity of Spirit's wisdom. I remove my bloated
nothingness from any idea of making something happen and I open to the divine flow of life. I am open to God's grace and the abundant riches of Spirit's idea of my life. I listen, let go, and let God make manifest Its great and wonderful intention for Itself as me.
With deep and heartfelt gratitude, I rest in the Truth that Spirit is my life, my breath, and my very being. I release my word to the activity of Infinite Mind, which knows only Its own fulfillment. And so it is.
Kathryn Hack RScP