"Said the river to the seeker, 'Does one really have to fret about
enlightenment? No matter which way I turn, I'm homeward bound.'" ~Anthony de Mello
"I now lay aside all anxiety, all striving, and let the Law bring my good to
me. I open every channel for Substance to flow through me and take form
in my objective experience." ~Ernest Holmes 365. Science of Mind, page 141

I am homeward bound. My intention today is focused and clear and takes
form in the awareness that God is all there is, ALL of the time. I
surrender to my Good for I know that in this moment of gratitude, I have
everything I need. What is mine to have and do comes to me with ease
and clarity, and I release "the rest of my list" to the able distribution of
Today is the perfect day for Peace, for patience, and for compassion to
comfort the whole world that seeks Home and embraces the idea that
brings the result of a harmonious world. I plant the seeds of peace that
are growing within me, into the fertile field of consciousness that hears
and reads these words. I declare I am the blessing. We are the blessing,
and the "ocean refuses no river."
~Rev. Jeanne Hoffman